Creating an inclusive learning environment: Engagement, equity, and retention
Proceedings contents: All presentations |
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Internal links 2012 [Timetable] [Refereed papers] [Booklet PDF - Introduction] [Booklet PDF - Timetable] [Booklet PDF - Plenary] [Booklet PDF - Abstracts] |
External links [Home Page 2012] [Review procedure 2012] [TLF Procedings series] |
Bashir Samsam Shariat | The challenge of introducing authentic assessment for engineering students | [Abstract] |
Dawn Bennett & Lisa Tee | Engaging students with future-oriented thinking | [Abstract] |
Cross-cultural observations on classroom management: Experiences of German migrant teachers in Australia | [Abstract] | |
Rebecca Blaxell & Catherine Moore | Connecting academic and employability skills and attributes | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Anna Bosco | Sustaining fieldwork education: Fieldwork risk management underpinned by the pedagogy of work integrated learning | [Abstract] |
Anja Brok | How big is too big? Combining large class workshops and lectures in history education | [Abstract] |
Yvonne Button, Mark Drechsler & Shannon Johnston | 55 minute workshop Sharing UWA staff training for Moodle pre-implementation in 2012 | [Abstract] |
Alistair Campbell & Julia Wren | 55 minute workshop Assessment in the digital age: Touch technology | [Abstract] |
Alistair Campbell & Julia Wren | Feedback on group performance using an iPad app | [Abstract] |
Donella Caspersz, Doina Olaru & Leigh Smith | Striving for definitional clarity: What is service learning? | [Abstract] [Research] |
Denise Chalmers, Sophie Giles, Sid Nair, Janice Orrell, Lee Partridge, Eileen Thompson, Rashmi Watson, Peter Whipp & Natalie Skead | 85 minute Symposium UWA assessment and feedback project: A progress report on a university-wide initiative | [Abstract] |
Denise Chalmers, Veronica Goerke, Allan Goody, Sue Stoney & Di Gardiner | Are higher education teacher preparation programs achieving their goals? | [Abstract] |
Gemma Clarke, Lisa Paton, Allen Mudford, Renuka Pathmasuntharam, Jocelyn Robinson & Ranjna Kapoor | Changing perceptions to feedback | [Abstract] |
Rick Cummings | A standards framework for work integrated learning | [Abstract] |
Cathy Cupitt | Enhancing sessional staff development through assessment tools | [Abstract] |
Gillian Dale-Jones, Phil Hancock & Eileen Thompson | Assessment standards and peer learning | [Abstract] |
Lorraine Day & Derek Hurrell | A teaching team: More than the sum of its parts | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Carmela De Maio & Sam Fearn | Meeting the academic skills needs of first year students through embedding workshops | [Abstract] |
Renae Desai | Developing effective global communicators: Conceptualising emotional intelligence as a graduate attribute | [Abstract] |
Chensong Dong | Assessment of mechanical engineering final year projects using Fuzzy Multi Attribute Utility theory | [Abstract] |
Monika Durrer | Up close and personal: Increasing student engagement and understanding through eyewitness interviews | [Abstract] [Research] |
Jim Elliott | Does focusing on retention make a difference? The impact of Curtin's retention plan | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Jennifer Farrell | A Kimberley virtual hospital: Innovation within the Diploma of Nursing | [Abstract] |
Ray Fells | The challenge of experientially teaching the complexity of real-world negotiation | [Abstract] |
Sonia Ferns | Embedding employability capabilities: The challenges of ensuring equity and access | [Abstract] |
Kim Flintoff and Peter Mellow | 55 minute workshop Engaging microblogging in lectures | [Abstract] |
Elizabeth-Kate Gulland, Ahmed El-Mowafy & Tony Snow | Developing interactive tools to augment traditional teaching and learning in land surveying | [Abstract] |
Elizabeth-Kate Gulland, Ahmed El-Mowafy & Tony Snow | Marking moderation in land surveying units | [Abstract] |
Kaye Haddrill | Development of international student engagement | [Abstract] |
Patrick Halloran | Assessment for learning can be a focus for engagement and retention | [Abstract] |
Phil Hancock, Mark Freeman, Anne Abraham, Paul De Lange, Bryan Howieson, Brendan O'Connell & Kim Watty | Achievement matters: External peer review of accounting learning standards | [Abstract] |
Allen G. Harbaugh | Effective strategies to support online learning and student engagement | [Abstract] |
Jan Herrington, Anthony Herrington & Ian Olney | 55 minute workshop Mainstreaming mobile learning in higher education: Capabilities and strategies for teachers | [Abstract] |
Steve Hoath, Robyn Quin, Keith McNaught, Arshad Omari, Bev Thiele & Phil Hancock | Plenary session panel The readiness of school leavers for university | [Abstract] |
Siobhan Hodge | Re-thinking the box: Negotiating curricula and finding critical spaces in English | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
David Holloway & Donell Holloway | Work integrated learning in reverse: Case study of the Murdoch Business School | [Abstract] |
Shannon Johnston | 55 minute workshop Social networking for engaging students in learning beyond mainstream university experience | [Abstract] |
Shannon Johnston, Yvonne Button & Mark Drechsler | Moving to Moodle: Organisational knowledge and community building at UWA | [Abstract] |
Megan Jones, Kathy Sanders & Jan Meyer | Assessment driven awareness of scientific inquiry and the use of animals in research | [Abstract] |
Sue Jones, Rick Ladyshewsky, Megan Smith, Franziska Trede & Helen Flavell | Engaging fieldwork coordinators: Academic leadership development for work integrated learning | [Abstract] |
Marion Kickett & Julie Hoffman | Engagement, equity and retention in Indigenous culture and health | [Abstract] |
Simon Kilbane | Room for improvement? Reviewing graduate perceptions of design studio teaching at UWA | [Abstract] |
Su-Ann Koh, Kathy Sanders & Jan Meyer | Roles of active learning and tutor input in students' perception of learning | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
David Lamb | Integrating practice with theory through student engagement in local community events | [Abstract] [Research] |
Christopher Lin | Examining the role of exams in student perceptions of learning | [Abstract] |
Marina Lommerse, Priya Metcalfe & Michelle Doray | Learning in the transition year: Bridging the move from institution into a community of practice | [Abstract] |
Jane Mangano | 55 minute workshop Terminating the termination cycle: A pilot intervention for students re-entering university after termination | [Abstract] |
Keith McNaught | Trialling the use of a mathematics diagnostic assessment task | [Abstract] [Research] |
Eva-Marie Middleton | Practice makes perfect: Improving private practice among music aural students | [Abstract] |
Catherine Moore & Rebecca Blaxell | 55 minute workshop Meeting student needs through the synchronised development of academic and employability skills | [Abstract] |
Angus Morrison-Saunders | Missing in action? A philosophy of plagiarism and implications for learners and teachers | [Abstract] |
Angus Morrison-Saunders, Richard Bell & Francois Retief | The journal article incubator approach to teaching writing skills and enhancing research outputs | [Abstract] [Research] |
Jamie Murphy | 55 minute workshop Experiential learning via the Google Online Marketing Challenge | [Abstract] |
Renee Parnell & Michele Doray | Expanding horizons: Fostering and retaining regional student engagement in higher education | [Abstract] |
Renee Parnell and Dianne Smith | Navigating the unexpected: Regional community engagement with authentic learning outcomes | [Abstract] |
Lee Partridge | 55 minute workshop Obstacles and barriers to effective progress in educational development for early career academics | [Abstract] |
Lee Partridge, Sally Sandover & Jenna Mead | Mission impossible: Select entry degrees and equity | [Abstract] |
Coral Pepper & Susan Roberts | Supporting unit coordinators: Just in time, just for me | [Abstract] |
Maryanne Pestell, Prue Andrus & Paul Morrison | Using the 4MAT model to engage nursing students in the classroom | [Abstract] |
Rob Phillips, Dorit Maor, Wendy Cumming-Potvin, Pauline Roberts, Jan Herrington & Greg Preston | Learning analytics and study behaviour: A pilot study | [Abstract] |
Will Rifkin & Daniel Southam | 55 minute workshop Engaging students in a new media assessment | [Abstract] |
Mahsood Shah & Chenicheri Sid. Nair | Can standards drop? Social inclusion agenda and academic standards | [Abstract] [Research] |
Tara Smith & Jenni Parker | Designing an authentic blend: Development of a 'real-life' learning environment for higher education | [Abstract] [Research] |
Xingchen (Chase) Song | Students' learning experience with learning management systems: A UWA case study | [Abstract] |
Katrina Stratton & Susan Bailey | 55 minute workshop Well-being and student placements: An experiential exploration for educators | [Abstract] |
Michelle Striepe, Christine Howitt & Mark Pegrum | The iPad and pre-service teachers: Revolutionary learning tool or fancy entertainment device? | [Abstract] |
Rebekah Sturniolo-Baker & Rocco Loiacono | Perceptions of learning and assessment in beginners and intermediate level Italian Studies | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Miriam Sullivan & Nancy Longnecker | Benefits and risks of using blogs in university teaching | [Abstract] |
Susan Teather & Catherine Moore | Embedding innovative assessment practices: Developing students' critical appraisal skills | [Abstract] [Prof Practice] |
Greg Thompson & Ross Williams | University students' perceptions of peer assessment in Health and Physical Education | [Abstract] |
Raelene Tifflin & Dimity Wehr | Engaging students in discussion board participation: Strategies for online teaching and learning | [Abstract] |
Kristy Tomlinson, B-K Tan & Helen Flavell | Does international clinical fieldwork experience improve the employability of students? | [Abstract] |
Kathryn Trees | Teaching and cultural diversity | [Abstract] |
David Tripp | Critical incidents in tertiary teacher development | [Abstract] |
Kent Turkich, Shane Greive & Paul Cozens | Student retention and co-teaching: Utilising expert staff and educational theory to promote motivation | [Abstract] |
John R. Venable, Ashley Aitken, Vanessa Chang, Heinz Dreher, Tomayess Issa, Brian von Konsky, & Lincoln Wood | Developing a research design for comparative evaluation of marking and feedback support systems | [Abstract] [Research] |
Peter Wall, Prue Andrus & Paul Morrison | Utilising scenarios to reinforce clinical skills in second year undergraduate nursing students | [Abstract] |
Rashmi Watson | Staff engagement with support mechanisms that promote and improve teaching practices: Perceptions of lecturers | [Abstract] |
Don Watts & Keith McNaught | The demise of upper schooling for university bound students: Challenging the policy drivers in Western Australia | [Abstract] |
Craig Whitsed, Ingrid Richardson, Jan Gothard, Julia Hobson, Helen Middleton & Megan Paull | 55 minute panel discussion Being on common ground: Facilitating increased cross-cultural interactions in diverse learning contexts | [Abstract] |
Jianhong (Cecilia) Xia, Craig Caulfield, David Baccarini & Shelley Yeo | Simsoft: A game for teaching project risk management | [Abstract] [Research] |
Marjan G Zadnik & Will Rifkin | Get your colleagues to teach better | [Abstract] |
Please cite as: TL Forum (2012). Creating an inclusive learning environment: Engagement, equity, and retention. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Teaching Learning Forum, 2-3 February 2012. Perth: Murdoch University. |
© 2012 Murdoch University. Copyrights in the individual articles in the Proceedings reside with the authors as noted in each article's footer lines.