Australian Society for Educational Technology WA Chapter

Open Learning and New Technology

Proceedings of a conference conducted by the Australian Society for Educational Technology WA Chapter at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, on 29-30 June 1990. Published in September 1990 by ASET WA Chapter with the assistance of the External Studies Unit, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia 6150. Reprinted April 1991. ISBN 0-86905-168-7.
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Conference Proceedings

Edited by Roger Atkinson and Clare McBeath

The EditorsAcknowledgementsiv-v
Clare McBeath and Roger AtkinsonIntroduction: The conference programme1-8
Gavan Troy MLAConference opening speech9-13
Colin Latchem, Kevin Woods, Colin Sims, Wally Howse and Rob MeechamOpening panel session15-27
Jack FoksPlenary session: The politics of open learning28-42
Roger AtkinsonRoles of educational institutions in open learning for business and industry.43-47
Rob BresaOlivetti Optel Telewriter52-57
Don CameronActivities Bank: An interactive resource of recreational and work oriented techniques58-64
Mick CampionOpen learning: Schooling and retooling society or deschooling and societal retooling?65-75
Cheng Poh TohThe IBM Interactive Satellite Education Network76-80
Gary CollinsTAFE Metal Trades National Curriculum: The realities of implementing a flexible approach to technical training81-87
Ross Davies and Kevin HardingVideo conferencing and the Integrated Services Digital Network88-92
Graeme DavyLIVE-NET: The Pilbara Video Conference Project93-112
Martin DiggensEnhancing distance education through radio-computer communications113-116
Tom Docherty and Harry EdgarThe surrogate laboratory interactive video project117-120
Malcolm EvansThe tyranny of distance: New strategies for police training in WA121-132
Roy FarrenEducational technology in a commercial context133-137
Jack FoksTechnology and open learning138-146
Robert Fox and Peta EdwardsMicrobes and the media: A telecourse for nurses147-153
Frank GallagherOpen learning and Telecom Training Services154-156
Ross GoodletSkills formation: A planned approach157-161
Mike GrantEducation enters the age of telecommunications162-164
Jeff Gunningham and Alan FletcherThe role of integrated training in promoting open learning in industry165-178
Georgina Hawley and Chris Spice"From the mountains to the sea"179-186
Barry HensonSelect Learning's TradeSkill Open Learning Centre187-188
Peter HosieUsing interactive videodisc for training189-217
Rachel HudsonSystematic design and development for open learning using self instructional materials218-229
Desmond KeeganOpen learning: Concepts and costs, successes and failures230-243
Clare McBeathCurriculum development for education and training: A personal perspective244-257
June Moorhouse and Ruth EllicottArts Access: A history of open learning for country Western Australia258-262
Donna Norris and Les PykeOpen learning in entrepreneurship263-276
Alex RadloffFor successful open learning, train for self regulation277-282
Alex Radloff and Joanne SamsonLiteracy and open learning283-289
Beverley ScottPortable education: Taking continuing nursing education to the bush290-293
Phillip SkeltonEdtel: Access to education and training294-298
Anthony TempleThe Ningaloo Videodisc Project299-304
Dorothy ToussaintFleximode in the WA TAFE system305-313
Phil WallaceAn overview of computer assisted instructional simulation314-323
Pat Warren-LangfordLearning in a changing environment324-329
Kath White and Moira WatsonDesigning an open learning structure: The TAFE Joondalup Campus330-346
Ken WiddowsonOpen learning: An alternative approach to the delivering of training347-355
PanelConcluding colloquium356-359

Conference participants361-367

Conference timetable368-369

Please cite as: Atkinson, R. and McBeath, C. (Eds) (1990). Open Learning and New Technology: Conference proceedings. Perth: Australian Society for Educational Technology WA Chapter.

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