IIMS logo McBeath, C. and Atkinson, R. (eds) (1994).

Proceedings of the Second International
Interactive Multimedia Symposium.

Perth, Western Australia, 23-28 January 1994.

Perth: Promaco Conventions. xii+618.
ISBN 1 86308 021X.

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Published January 1994 by Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd
© Copyright Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd
Copyright in individual articles remains with the author or authors.

In alphabetical order of first author [ Search IIMS 92, 94, 96 ]

Harry EdgarPrefaceix-x
Clare McBeath and Roger AtkinsonEditorial commentxi-xii

Plenary presentations

John Catlin
Applied Learning and Tarragon Training International, Australia
Publishing multimedia for the corporate training market (abstract only)604
Ken Chapman
Multimedia Marketing Consultant, New South Wales
The key to marketing is creating consumer awareness and the desire to purchase81-82
William Clark
Optical Data Corporation, New Jersey, USA
Building a market one niche at a time99-101
Alison Crook
State Library of New South Wales
Point of public information: Storage, networking and access in tomorrow's world (abstract only)605
Philip Dodds
Executive Director, Interactive Multimedia Association, USA
The world of multimedia (abstract only)606
David C Forman
President, National Education Training Group Spectrum, USA
Benefits and value of multimedia learning systems140-146
Kendro Hendra
inTouch, Indonesia
Multimedia: Beyond nice presentation (abstract only)199
Stephen Heppell
ULTRALAB, Anglia University, England
Learning and the children of the information age200-203
Hal Josephson
The 3DO Company, California, USA
Critical factors in making a multimedia business (abstract only)217
Linda J McDonald
Smiths Snackfood Company, New South Wales
Elephants, computers and packing machines342-344
Herb Peppard
Monitor Information Systems, New South Wales
The design and production of IMM point of information systems: An Australian portfolio of applications401-405
J G Sandom
Einstein and Sandom Inc, New York, USA
Interactive multimedia marketing494-498
Robert Stone
Professor of Virtual Reality, University of Salford, England
Virtual reality comes of age608-618

Parallel presentations

David Aiton, State Energy Commission of Western AustraliaJust convert this CBT into multimedia!!1-3
Malcolm Alexander and David Frampton, Griffith University, QldTechnology and thinking: A qualitative study with interactive multimedia products4-9
Ulrich Arnold and Gerhard Peter, Universitat Heidelberg, GermanyFunctionality and implementation of a computer based, distributed multimedia patient record10-17
Kerry Bagdon and Tim Barham, Queensland University of Technology, QldQUT's language learning project18-22
John Barrett and Olugbemiro J Jegede, University of Southern Queensland, QldTowards a functional model for the selection of a valid technology mix for instructional purposes within interactive multimedia environments23-31
George Borzyskowski,
Curtin University, WA
Dinosaurs, gas and Alec32-37
George Borzyskowski and Michael Pearson, Curtin University, WAVisual syntax and the unique contribution of designers in collaborative multimedia projects38-41
Jan Branson and Ted Chrisfield,
La Trobe University, Victoria
Interactive multimedia literacy and the academic library42-44
Jeff Brown, Interactive Television Australia, and Rick D Anderson, Interactive Systems, Oregon, USAInteractive television: The excitement awaits45-48
James Burgess, University of Southern Queensland, QldDeveloping an interactive multimedia training application for industry49-55
Barry Burton, Nancy Wong and Lisa Kwan, Hong Kong PolytechnicImage database system: Application of videodisc technology in the storage and retrieval of visual information in the Hong Kong Polytechnic Library56-64
Don Cameron
Curtin University, WA
Accessing contents of multimedia: What degree of freedom to permit the user65-70
Jim Chapman and June Lennie, Queensland University of Technology, QldDeveloping a community based interactive planning system for ecologically sustainable development71-80
Jan Charbonneau, Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong, and Craig Cunningham, Athabasca University, CanadaVideo conferencing applications in distance education: The extended classroom83-87
Y-Kheong Chee, Harry Edgar, Doug Myers and Tom Docherty, Curtin University, WAAn introduction to vector quantisation88-98
Cliffe-Wong Meow Chan,
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore
Multimedia laboratory102-104
Danielle Conroy
Interactive Logic, WA
It's a gas with multimedia: A case study in sales and decision support for SECWA gas105-109
Donald J Cunningham and Anthony R Brown, University of New England, Armidale, NSWMultimedia in teacher education110-113
Sean Curtin
Applied Learning, NSW
Implementing CD-ROM training114-117
Roger Dickinson
University of Western Australia, WA
Diverse functions: The creative design of a hypermedia authoring system118-120
Jana Dospisil, Monash University, Vic, and Tony Polgar, APC IBM, VicApplication of software process assessment to hypermedia development environment121-131
Jerome Durlak
York University, Canada
Designing and producing collaborative CD-ROMs in university settings132-134
Peta Edwards and Robert Fox
Curtin University, WA
Bringing school back to work: Hypertext case studies in microbiology (abstract only)135
Allan Ellis
Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW
Training strategies for interactive multimedia authoring136-139
Fujihara Yasuhiro, Shibata Shimako, Yoshikawa Yukari and Nagaoka Keizo, Kobe University, JapanDevelopment of multimedia test system147-151
Sue D Fyfe and Georgina M Fyfe,
Curtin University, WA
"Click and drag the test tube": A role for interactive multimedia in human biology152-158
Athula Ginige, Phil Gorbett, University of Technology Sydney, and Robert Renew, Powerhouse Museum, NSWIdeas to innovations: Aspects of a cross platform hypermedia project159-163
Anne Gooley and Stephen Towers, Queensland Open Learning Network and John Dekkers, University of Central Queensland, QldMeeting training and educational needs using CD-ROM164-168
Waldo Granwal and Anna Soutar,
University of Auckland, NZ
Computerised architecture169-172
Dianne Hagan and Jason Lowder
Monash University, Victoria
Hypermedia for creative problem solving173-175
Brian J Haines,
Interactive Logic, WA
Quayside on Mill: Interactive multimedia in the marketplace176-181
David T Harrison,
Queensland Distance Education College, Qld
Setting up a CD-ROM Bureau182-188
Lyn Henderson, James Cook University of North Queensland, QldReeves' pedagogic model of interactive learning systems and cultural contextuality189-198
Kannappa Iynkaran and Andrew Crilly, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, SingaporeDevelopment and implementation of interactive multimedia in tertiary education204-208
Jeff James,
University of Tasmania at Launceston, Tas
Multimedia applications in tertiary education209-213
J Ian Jamieson,
Western Australia
Safety, behaviour management and interactive multimedia214-216
David Kennedy and Peter Taylor,
Curtin University, WA
Hypermedia design for enriching conceptual understanding in chemistry218-225
Myles Kennington,
Curtin University, WA
News on Disk: A multimedia approach to a traditionally pamphlet based medium226-229
Khoo Cheng Choo,
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Interactive multimedia for teaching, learning and presentations230-236
Glen Kidd, Matthew Christou and Martin Cholkowski, Image Technology, Curtin University, WAMultiplatform multimedia: A critical appraisal237-243
Arthur Kingsland,
The University of Newcastle, NSW
Interactive multimedia CAL tools in a low budget environment244-250
Jackie Knott and William Newman,
Centralian College, NT
To do or not to do? Should education be involved in interactive multimedia development?251-253
Leanne Kruger and Alison Gotts,
Cairns TAFE College, Qld
Instructional design principles for CAL: Asking the right questions254-259
Melvin Lang,
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
Equalising educational opportunities for Aboriginal teachers via computer based courses260-263
Harry B Lee,
Curtin University, WA
A comparison of the cost effectiveness of traditional lectures with interactive computer assisted learning packages264-272
Harry B Lee and Don Cameron,
Curtin University, WA
Strategies to provide pathways for learners in a computer managed learning environment273-283
Justus H Lewis, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore and Peter J Hosie, Instructional Design and Evaluation Australia, WAInteractive video and interactive multimedia in higher education in Singapore: A case study284-289
C A Lindley, V R Kumar, R Irrgang and J R Robertson, CSIRO, NSWAn evaluation of information retrieval methods and semantic network processing for automatic link generation in hypermedia systems290-297
Andrew Litchfield,
Southern Cross University, NSW
Interface communication management: A user centred multimedia design model298-303
Clem Lloyd and David Blackall,
University of Wollongong, NSW
IMM, news presentation and news delivery: A case study304-310
Robert Loss, Mario Zadnik and David Treagust, Curtin University, WATeaching and learning abstract physical science concepts in a computer based multimedia environment311-316
Mike Lowry
Leeds Metropolitan University, England
The application of computer technology to teaching and assessing nurses, doctors and patients317-320
Joe Luca, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Centre, WAEducation in multimedia: Involving industry321-328
Bruce W Manning, Great Southern Regional College, Albany, WAInnovation in the delivery of education, training and public information to rural and remote regions (abstract only)607
Brian Martin and Christine Adams,
Electronic Studio Pty Ltd, Vic
Advancer Education Series: An instructional and graphic design synergy329-332
Hermann Maurer, Achim Schneider, University of Auckland, NZ and
Peter Sammer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Multimedia systems for the general public: Experiences at world expositions and lessons learned333-341
Gene McGuire and B J Gleason, The American University, Washington DC, USAUsing interactive multimedia to reduce gender bias in educational materials345-350
Jury Mohyla,
Flinders University, SA
Teachers teach computers to teach351-354
Hari Murthy and Linley Lutton,
The University of Western Australia
Interactive multimedia based intelligent systems in architecture355-360
Andrey S Narvsky, St Petersburg University of Ocean Technology, RussiaMultimedia developments in Russia361-363
Larry R Nelson,
Curtin University, WA
A working multimedia equivalent to Jurassic language: Learning flip cards and tapes364-370
Paul Newhouse,
Edith Cowan University, WA
The development of an interactive multimedia package to introduce computer communications371-376
Ron Oliver,
Edith Cowan University, WA
Measuring learning outcomes using IMM systems377-382
Greg Padfield,
Curtin University, WA
Chaos theory modelling in multimedia planning383-388
Bill Patching, Lyn Henderson and Ian Putt, James Cook University, QldInteractive multimedia and thinking: A report on research in progress389-397
Michael Pearson,
Curtin University, WA
Creative matrix: A surface design generator398-400
Susan Perry,
Curtin University, WA
An interactive presentation on the role of a designer in multimedia development406-408
Rob Phillips,
Curtin University, WA
Understanding technical drawings: Using interactive multimedia to enhance spatial reasoning skills409-416
E John Picton-Warlow and Michael Paterson, Picton-Warlow and Co, WAThe law and its relationship with multimedia programming for computers417-429
Thomas Picton-Warlow,
Winthrop Technology, WA
A multimedia view of object oriented databases430-435
Christie Pinfold and Robert Fox, Curtin University, and Peter Looms, Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Copenhagen, DenmarkBarcoding a Japanese language videodisc for secondary schools436-442
N Pitsas, T McGinness and M Paterson, CSIRO Information Services, VicInsects - A World of Diversity: A multimedia CD-ROM443-447
Gregory D Preston,
University of Newcastle, NSW
Maximising the effectiveness of students' learning experiences using multimedia projects448-454
Clark N Quinn,
The University of New South Wales, NSW
Implications of instructional and game design for interactive multimedia interfaces455-460
Geoff Rehn,
Murdoch University, WA
From Kodak PhotoCD to lecturer's desktop: The networking of multimedia resources461-467
Geoff Rehn, Murdoch University, WA and
Stephen Towers, Queensland Open Learning Network, Qld
Audiographic teleconferencing: The Cinderella of interactive multimedia468-477
Geoff Ring,
Edith Cowan University, WA
Computer administered testing in an IMM environment: Research and development478-484
Geoff Ring and Rod Ellis, Edith Cowan University, WA and Thomas C Reeves, The University of Georgia, USAMental models research and human computer interface design485-493
Stephen Schwalger,
Competency based training: Opportunities for interactive multimedia499
Don Sforcina,
Color Computer Systems, WA
Multimedia resourcing500
Neil Shaw, Graham Standfield and Simon Kardash, Victoria University of Technology, VicIndustry applications of compact disc interactive (CD-I)501-503
Roderick C H Sims,
University of Technology, Sydney, NSW
Creative multimedia design: Virtual learning environments for multiplatform applications504-509
Jagjit K Singh,
University of Calgary, Canada
Interactive hypermedia for preservice teachers510-515
Linda Slack-Smith,
Curtin University, WA
Mitochondria and management: Educational design overcomes a difficult topic516-518
John Strong, Tembo Software, Heinz Dreher, Curtin University, and Gavin Maisey, Police Department, WADriveSafe, the electronic book: A case study519-525
George Lee Stuart, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSWMultiMak: A multimedia system for the teaching of sign language526-535
James Sturges, VEATT Centre, Queensland and Jo Spring, University of Queensland, QldMultimedia production and people: Specialists or generalists?536-539
Virginia Taylor,
Price Waterhouse Urwick, Melbourne, Vic
Occupational health and safety in multimedia540-542
Ross J Todd, Joan Parker and Hilary Yerbury, University of Technology, Sydney, NSWKnowledge representation and multimedia knowledge base design: A methodology for alignment543-548
Ron Toomey, Lawry Mahon and Vijay Thalathoti, Victoria University of Technology, VicTeacher speculation about using multimedia to enhance learning549-557
Kathryn Try and Greg Pollock,
Commonwealth Bank, NSW
Participatory design: Way for the future558-560
Alan Tulloch and Michael Fieldhouse,
Curtin University, WA
Interactive cardiac monitoring561-563
Simon van Wyk,
The Shirley Spectra, NSW
Integration of multimedia training and management information: A powerful marketing tool564-566
Patricia Weaver, University of Western Australia, and Linda Slack-Smith, Curtin University, WAInteractive energy567-571
Stuart White and John Lenarcic,
Monash University, Vic
EONQUEST: An interactive multimedia learning environment for elementary mathematical problem solving572-575
Neil Willis,
Leeds Metropolitan University, England
Multimedia in a university teaching/learning environment576-582
Myles Wilmott,
Army Headquarters Training Command, NSW
Cost effective training: The interactive multimedia solution583-588
Khoon Yoong Wong and Renato Schibeci, Murdoch University, WAResearch on adults' understanding of nutrition knowledge using a low cost multimedia package in HyperCard589-593
Xiao Xi,
University of Newcastle, NSW
The impact of sound and image features of IMM on CALL594-596
A C Lynn Zelmer and Steven Pace,
Central Queensland University, Qld
Unrealised expectations: Developing (truly) affordable multimedia597-603

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