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Australian Society for Educational Technology

EdTech'86 Conference Presentations

The list below records presentations at EdTech'86, the Biennial Conference of the Australian Society for Educational Technology, held at the University of Western Australia, 2-5 December 1986. A proceedings volume was not published.

For abstracts and author details, please see EdTech'86 abstracts. A number of EdTech'86 presentations were published in Australian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) 3(1) and 3(2), as originally presented or as subsequently revised. For these, follow individual links on titles of papers, or refer to AJET 3(1) Contents and AJET 3(2) Contents
Keynote Addresses

Robin Moss Broadcasting and the individual learner
Ian Mugridge New technology and open learning
Michael Tibbetts Convergent technology and convergent disciplines: Interactive video as an educational and informational tool
Nigel Paine Educational technology and education in technology

Parallel Sessions

Margaret Allan The introduction of a new technology within one discipline: A case study
Roger Atkinson Computer bulletin boards for distance education students
Robin Bishop Electronic mail to enhance distance education
Ian Brown Special keyboards for special needs: The Concept Keyboard
Jim Callan Videotex in primary schools - a WA case study
Mick Campion Technophilia and technophobia
Julie Carr Audiographics in telecommunications
Anne Clyde Information technology and school libraries
Ian Conboy Evaluating educational video
Ian Conboy, Neil Elliott and Greddins Pty Ltd Technology in victorian schools - what have we learned?
Susan Davis and Alan Williams Communicating the teacher's needs to the student requirement
Jacqueline Dean and Alison Dewsbury Software tools for enhancing language, literacy and reasoning
John Dekkers Use of tutored video instruction in distance education
Anthony Ellis The distance learner and computer programming
Andrew Greig Australia, academia and the air waves: where are we going in educational broadcasting?
Jens Hansen Introducing a teleconferencing network to the most remote region of New Zealand - or forgiveness is easier to achieve than permission
Dennis Harper Computer education at the Institute of Education, Singapore
Robert Haynes and Graeme Parslow Videodisc: a challenge to educators
Peter Hosie and Peter Leddin The international teleclass in operation
Derek Holroyde Community education through radio - a neglected dimension of educational technology
Shih-Hsion Huang ROC: survey of the state of the art and likely future trends of CAI applications in higher education
Duncan Jamieson Trade-offs in the selection of a computer-based training system
John Kirk The impact of teleconferencing teletutorials on teaching literacy skills to remote adult aborigines in South Australia
Lloyd Lacy Satellite communication in distance education
James Lange Tele-education by television
Chun-Ip Lau Microcomputer applications to ESL (English as a second language) reading instruction at the tertiary level
Laurie Living and John Camillo English studies, technology and contract learning
Roy Lundin Q-Net and education
Kevin McKenna and Robert Winter Computer-based simulations in teaching - an effective instructional technique?
Alex Millar and Iain McAlpine Using technology to break down geographical and post-secondary educational sectoral barriers
Nigel Muddle Developing and using a micro-based CAL authoring language at Bruce TAFE College (ACT)
Freda Mulenga The role of software technologies in distance teaching in a developing country
Graeme Murphy Communication technologies: impact on role and function of traditional education support services: issues in tertiary education organisation
Joseph Murray New technology and educational television
Michael O'Loughlin The relationship between cognitive and affective components of computer literacy
Gary Pears and Ian Michael "Cogg & Co": A technological simulation
Graham Pervan and Desmond Klass The computer as a decision support tool for first-time business users
Graham Pervan and Desmond Klass SASS - an administrative DSS
Mike Potter Telesketch: New applications for audiographics in education
Erina Rayner How to use the learning network
Alexander Romiszowski, Don Ely, David Krathwohl, Phil Doughty and Barbara Grabowski The impact of expert systems on education and instructional design
Anne Russell Audio visual applications of the microcomputer
Nigel Russell and Herb Peppard Interactive videodisc - an Aussie barbecue experience
John Sanders Microcomputer assistance for the in-service educator
Michael Scriven A survey of state-of-the-art computer hardware and software for education
Sydney Smale Distance and disabilities: The use of telecommunication technologies to provide services to children with communication disorders who live in isolated areas in Australia
Peter Smith Technology in distance education: Turbocharging the horse and buggy
William Spence The communication of technological innovations in theory and practice
James Steele Supertext superdisc
Orson Tormey and Ian Hart Desk-top publishing in education
Denise Walsh A human context for telematics
Dulcy Windsor Educational broadcasting for children in the context of lifelong learning (a Sri Lankan experience)

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